Terms & Conditions

 Terms and conditions of The Rent Company

You have received the conditions that apply to you in the attachment of your order confirmation by email. When you place a new order, you will find the current terms and conditions in the webshop.

Did you rent the laptop?
Then there is no separate insurance policy but the damage and theft regulation that is in the Easy4u Terms of Service for Rent applies.

> Current: These terms and conditions are valid for orders placed after 1-5-2024.
> Archive:  These terms and conditions are valid for orders placed before 1-5-2024.

All-in-1 subscription

Students and laptops? They are inextricably linked. Thanks to our full service provision via the Easy4u subscription, we make access to digital education easy and affordable.

Laptops on loan during repairs, super-fast service, a single point of contact for the school and the students, and accidental damage and theft insurance are included.

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